About the Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe)


Our History

University research pooling was launched by the Scottish Funding Council in partnership with the Scottish universities in 2004 to provide the platform for our universities to collaborate at a more strategic level, pooling their expertise and resources, to further build upon Scotland's research excellence and international competitiveness.

The Scottish engineering pool was originally structured around three regional partnerships: the Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering (ERPe), the Glasgow Research Partnership In Engineering (GRPe) and the Northern Research Partnership In Engineering (NRPe).

In 2016, to provide increased critical-mass and overall impact from Scottish university-led engineering research, the three Scottish regional pools were consolidated into a single pan-Scotland pool to become the Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe).

In January 2025, the Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe) strategically integrated with the Energy Technology Partnership (ETP) to form SPEERI, the Scottish Partnership in Energy and Engineering Research & Innovation. SRPe and ETP are recognised by key stakeholders across academia, industry, public sector and Scottish Government as two critical partnerships in Scotland’s innovation ecosystem, and the integrated entity of SPEERI builds on the strong history of individual delivery and collaboration between the two.

SRPe drives research impact creating value for the economy through a cohesive pan-Scotland strategy. Our integrated collaborative research community across ten universities provides the depth and breadth of specialist and cross-disciplinary expertise to tackle the most complex of technological and societal challenges.



Our Vision

Our Vision is for Scotland's position as a world-class centre of research excellence and globally competitive driving force in engineering to be robust and future-proofed with targeted strategic collaborative research activities addressing the most critical national priorities and delivering enhanced and sustainable socio-economic impact for Scotland and the UK.


Key Objectives

Our key objective is to further strengthen and sustainably grow the global reputation and impact of Scotland's engineering research. We do this through strategic leadership and alignment at a national level, providing increased critical mass and synergy to drive innovation. We work in close collaboration with industry and government / public sector organisations forming a robust triple helix to drive innovation and create value for society.


Strategic Themes

Our activities are focused around five strategic themes which match the key engineering and technology research strengths of Scotland's universities with the key opportunities for socio-economic impact.



Our People

SRPe has been established to maximise impact from university-led engineering and technology research across Scotland.

Our strategic themes are led by academic expert Thematic Leadership Groups delivering a cohesive pan-Scotland technology strategy for collaborative engineering research and skills development activities across Scotland. 


SRPe is the pan-Scotland engineering research community comprised of 10 world-class universities

> 1,100


> 5,500


> 13,500



executive TEAM

thematic leadership groups

Partners + Collaborators