Infrastructure & Environment
Thematic Leadership Group
The SRPe Infrastructure & Environment Thematic Leadership Group (IE-TLG) is a national research resource that provides knowledge and expertise to Government and industry, as well as to the wider UK and international research communities.
We promote the value of world-class infrastructure for Scotland, and support the development of the evidence base and implementation plans for the smart, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure that will underpin Scotland’s future.
The IE-TLG membership comprises key experts from across Scotland's leading universities delivering world-class research and development in infrastructure & environment and its underpinning technology areas.
Leadership and membership details of the IE-TLG are provided below:
Strategic Outlook
Scotland's universities undertake internationally leading research in a number of areas across infrastructure and the environment.
Prior to the establishment of the SRPe Infrastructure & Environment Thematic Leadership Group (IE-TLG) in 2018 the National Telford Institute (NTI) was the delivery vehicle for this collaborative theme across the research pools.
Our Sub-Themes align with the grand challenges and opportunities within the Infrastructure & Environment theme and its application sectors. They also align with the strengths and capabilities of Scotland in Infrastructure & Environment, and the opportunities for growth and synergy which can be catalysed via SRPe collaboration across the university research sector and with industry and the public sector. They reflect the challenges and opportunities that exist today and are anticipated for the future based on knowledge of megatrends (e.g. population growth, growing demand for customised products; ageing population and workforce; changing skills needs), technological trends and innovations (emerging and disruptive technologies e.g. the Internet of Things (IoT); digitalisation and scale-up), emerging policies, and opportunities for economic growth and socio-economic impact.
SRPe's Sub-Themes within the Infrastructure & Environment theme are:
Smart Infrastructure
Future Construction
Resilience & Adaptation for Society
Beyond Net Zero for Infrastructure & Construction
Key Underpinning Research & Technology Areas
The key research and technology areas underpinning the Infrastructure & Environment theme are:
Smart Sensing and Intelligent Infrastructure and Cities
Urban Big Data
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Infrastructure
Water and Environmental Engineering
Subsurface Engineering
Structural Engineering and Architectural Technology
Robotics in Construction and Wearable Technology
Risk, Resilience, Safety and Security Engineering
Regulation, Science and Technology Studies
Urban Living Laboratories
Low Carbon, Modular and Offsite Construction